Sunday, 18 October 2015

Behind The Scenes | I Love Autumn TAG

Hi guys
So as autumn is the best time of year ever as it is my birthday. I have been filming some autumn themed videos for my you tube channel and I thought I would do a little behind the scenes of filming them series:

So far I have filmed all of my videos at my friends house as the lighting is a lot better for filming, also she loves filming and editing videos so she helps me. I am also awful at using computers (they just confuse me). 
The first video was the 'I love autumn tag'. Firstly I found questions on the Internet and I wrote the answers down on a whiteboard because otherwise I would ramble on and on and it would take hours to film the video.
Next my friend helps me with the set up and getting the camera in the right place. 
Then I get all the things I am using in the video ready next to where I am sat. 
Then we start filming. 
After filming we upload the footage onto the computer and start editing, the time it takes to edit depends on the length of the video. 
When it is edited we upload the video onto YouTube write the description and schedule it to go up on the Sunday 
I hope you enjoyed this post leave a comment of video or post ideas if you want and I hope you have a good week 
                   Toddle pip


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