Monday, 5 January 2015

Goodbye 2014

Hi Guys,
Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Secondly, I know Blogmas was a massive fail, and I would like to say I have a list of excuses but the only ones I can think of are that throughout December I was quite ill and I was very busy, but I hope you will forgive me, sorry.

Anyway I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas. 2014 wasn't the best year for blogging as I only put up seven posts.
As it is a new year I have thought of a few new years resolutions, which are:

  1. Attempt to write and post more on my blog, as I love doing it because its my little space where I can be myself and where people can enjoy reading my posts.
  2. Answer my phone more, a lot of my friends and family will tell you that I am awful at answering my phone.
  3. This last one may sound a bit cheesy but just enjoy myself and do more things that make me smile.
There are so many things that I am exited about that are happening this year, but there is one thing that I have been contemplating doing for a while which is starting a Youtube channel. I have been wanting to do this for a while now but I have never really had the confidence to do this, some days I have thought about filming a video but then something happens that makes me think about if I should do it, another factor is that once when I was going to make a video I couldn't find the tripod to put my camera on so I asked my brother where it was, but all he did was ask so many questions about why I needed it, and what youtube channel. So I think stopped me from doing it. I love watching so many different youtubers and they inspired me and I thought that it would be amazing if something that I have created and spent time doing could make other people happy, or inspire them.

Any way I hope you have a brilliant new year, and sorry that got a bit deep near the end. I will keep you posted on the Youtubey thing.

1 comment:

  1. Start a YouTube Channel! It doesn't matter what anybody thinks xx
    My new years resolution is to be more positive and be more honest/open with my friends!
