Thursday, 21 May 2015

Special Moments | Housewarming Party

Hi Guys,
So as I mentioned in my February Favorites (here), I have recently moved house; about a week ago we had a housewarming party. I really enjoyed this and it was one of those moments that made me so, so happy as I got to see all of my friends from where I used to live meet all of my school friends. This was one of those special moments that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I didn't get any pictures as I was having too much fun spending time with people that I haven’t seen in months. 

This was one of the most amazing days, there was amazing food, music (in small areas of the house) and people there and I am so happy that everyone that came could come because it made the day extra special. I know this post is a bit different but I hope you enjoyed it.


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Things That Make Me Happy

Hi Guys,
So recently a lot of things have happened in my family life, I am not going to say what because it is very personal and I may share what has happened in the future but not right now. As some of you may have  gathered Emsi Rose is a very close friend of mine, she told me to try and do something every day that makes me smile or think of at least five different things that make me happy. At first I thought that this would be quite difficult because I thought it would be the same things everyday but I have somehow managed to do this, even if it is something as small as listening to music or reading a book.

So today I am going to share with you guys some of the things that make me happy:

Here are a few of my favorite artists.
Some of my favorite Youtubers

  1. I love listening to all different types of music and finding new artists.
  2. There are so many Youtubers who's videos make me smile.
  3. I am such a book worm, I know it's really bad but I will sometimes read till about 1 in the morning.
  4. Spending time with my friends always makes me smile and takes my mind off other things that are going on.
  5. I spend so much time snuggled up on the sofa watching films so this obviously had to be included.
These are a few of the things that make me enjoy life more and make me smile. If you want you can leave a comment telling me about some of the things that make you smile. Also I have recently created an Instagram account for this blog so if you want to go and check it out, it is called @emmie.bee (click here) I try and post regularly but you all know me with updating things so... I hope you all enjoy your week.
