Hi Guys,
I have a confession to make. I LOVE LUSH! I wish I had a little Lush shop in my house. I know my parents would probably kill me but you can dream, Right. I have bought so many Lush products and whenever I go shopping I just have to go into Lush and then when I'm in the shop I have to literally stop myself from buying something. Whenever it is close to a friends birthday and I don't know what to buy them I just go to Lush and get them a bath bomb or a bubble bar. I love having a bath or a pamper evening when I have time or if I need time to relax.
My favorite bath bomb is probably Dragons Egg because it smells AMAZING, it smells like sherbet lemons. it looks quite plain on the outside but when you put it in the bath it turns an amazing bright orange. The first time I used this bath bomb I didn't realize that it has popping candy in it. which just makes it even more amazing in my humble opinion. It is also very uplifting and refreshing. It costs £3.25.
Dragons Egg Bath Bomb. |
I also love the face masks I have had 2 which were Oatifix and Cosmic Catastrophe. When choosing anything for my face I have to pick carefully because I have really sensitive skin, but both of these are nice and gentle on my skin. They are also extremely soothing. Oatifix smells like bananas it has oatmeal and ground almonds so it is not good if you are allergic to nuts. Cosmic Catastrophe has blueberries in it. I prefer the smell to Oatifix.
Catastrophe Cosmetic Face Mask |
Here are a few pictures of the lush products I have and love.
Bunch of Carrots |
This is actually my Mum's which I bought her Mothers Day.
Green Fun which I bought my Dad for his Birthday. |
Big Blue Bath Bomb. |
Immaculate Eggception |
Blackberry Bath Bomb |
Melting Marshmallow Moment Bath Melt |
This is the well loved Magic Wand Bubble Bar. |
The Comforter Bubble Bar |
Each Peach (And Two's a Pair) Massage Bar. |